Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Raise your hand if you want free Barney Butter!!!


Courtney over at The Hungry Yogini is giving away free Barney Butter. You can enter the contest at her blog or by clicking here.

As always, I wish you all luck, but as always, I wish myself a little more.  ;-D   I'm sorry, but I've never tried Barney Butter- I have no idea where to find it around here and I can't bring myself to justify the cost of buying it online- and I really wanna get on the Barney Butter bus with all the other cool kids.   :-(    But it all comes down to the luck of the draw!!!!

1 comment:

Dori said...

First, I too have an apartment FULL of unread books. But unlike you I can't stop buying more. It's an addiction. AND for my bday last weekend my boyfriend is giving me a $150 shopping spree at Barnes & Noble and his brother gave me a $50 amazon gift card. Insane.

ANYWAY - I ordered Barney Butter when there was a free shipping code. It is good -- but not up to the hype. You can find just as delicious almond butter with less added ingredients here.